Complimentary White Paper

دليل سريع: كيفية تجنب الفيروسات المنقولة بالغذاء

دليل سريع: كيفية تجنب الفيروسات المنقولة بالغذاء

تعرف على أنواع الفيروسات المنقولة بالغذاء ومصادرها، وكيفية تجنبها في سلسلة توريد الأغذية لديك.

This White Paper will give you insights about :

  • الأنواع الأكثر شيوعا من الفيروسات ، و ما هي الأطعمة لمشاهدة ل عند رصد الأوبئة المحتملة
  • أعراض فيروسات تنتقل عن طريق الأغذية ، وكيف يتم التعاقد عليها.
  • اختبار مختبر للكشف عن الفيروسات ، و كيفية التخلص منها
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Foodborne Viruses: Quick Facts

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, viruses account for over 50% of foodborne diseases. For the food industry, the two most common viruses of concern are Norovirus and Hepatitis A. Over the past several years, a number of Norovirus and Hepatitis A (HAV) outbreaks have been linked to a wide variety of foods, including berries, pomegranate seeds, and oysters.

Foods commonly involved in Norovirus outbreaks: Foods commonly associated with HAV infection:
  • Leafy greens
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Herbs and spices
  • Any food that is served raw or handled after being cooked
  • Raw or undercooked shellfish from contaminated waters
  • Raw produce
  • Contaminated drinking water
  • Uncooked foods and cooked foods that are not reheated after contact with an infected food handler

Prevention and Elimination of Foodborne Viruses

Methods to eliminate the spread of viruses are focused on prevention through proper sanitation, including hand washing and sanitization in food plants. Today, manufacturers also frequently turn to virus testing services, now that advances in diagnostic technologies have greatly improved detection of viruses in a laboratory environment.

Download the whitepaper for more information on preventing the spread of viruses in the food industry and safeguarding your food supply chain.

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